Whereby - Notice history

Meeting rooms - Operational

100% - uptime
Feb 2024 · 99.96%Mar · 100.0%Apr · 100.0%
Feb 2024
Mar 2024
Apr 2024

Embedded API - Operational

100% - uptime
Feb 2024 · 99.96%Mar · 100.0%Apr · 100.0%
Feb 2024
Mar 2024
Apr 2024

Admin dashboard - Operational

100% - uptime
Feb 2024 · 100.0%Mar · 100.0%Apr · 100.0%
Feb 2024
Mar 2024
Apr 2024

whereby.com - Operational

100% - uptime
Feb 2024 · 100.0%Mar · 100.0%Apr · 99.97%
Feb 2024
Mar 2024
Apr 2024

Notice history

Apr 2024

Whereby presentation website is down
  • Resolved
    This incident has been resolved.
  • Investigating

    whereby.com is down.
    This does not impact meeting rooms, API, or dashboard. It only impacts the Whereby presentation website.
    We are currently investigating the issue.

Mar 2024

No notices reported this month

Feb 2024

Feb 2024 to Apr 2024
